I take eyebrows VERY seriously. And really, I always have. The problem I've run into is that back in the day my eyebrow ideal was Drew Barrymore circa Mad Love. Did you know that if you pluck your eyebrows enough, there's a chance they won't grow back? Yeah, I sure didn't know that at the time, and now I'm stuck with next to nothing, despite doing my best to leave them alone for almost ten years now. So I do my best to scout for new eyebrow help whenever I can, but surprisingly, the pickins are pretty slim! Just for the hell of it, I grabbed this NYX Pushup Bra for Eyebrow the last time I was through Target for about $12.
Ideally I prefer to use a pencil for precision's sake, but it's hard to find one that isn't too waxy, orangy, too heavy, or not heavy enough. Unfortunately, this one falls into the last category: not heavy enough, and trying to add more product only results in it caking on the hairs I DO have. Bummer. It does work reasonably well as a base for the powder I normally use, so I guess there's that.

This is my basic routine every day and it is fast as hell and just goes to show how bad it sucks to have blond eyebrows/eyelashes. Seriously, the difference just those two things make is CRAZY. Also you are WELCOME because that picture of my bedhead is LEGENDARY. Leah Elzinga, single-handedly making the case for flat irons since 1981. Makeup is four products and about as many minutes, hair probably takes about 15. Needless to say I usually **don't bother with the hair part.
Brace yourselves.
I thought I'd show you what I meant, along with showing you a product that I LOOOOOOVVE, the Almay Smart Shade Mousse Makeup.

Especially when you're pale it seems like cosmetics companies always assume that you've either got yellow undertones in your skin or rosy ones, and I'm neither. MY skintone is *meh. This has made finding a "shade matching" foundation basically a joke. Everything seems to turn ORANGE on my skin. Not cute. But this stuff is FABULOUS. It deals with the uneveness of my skin, the dark circles under my eyes, and the serious purple of my eyelids, all with about 15 seconds worth of effort and just one product! The proof's in the pics. I particularly like how it doesn't cover my skin, totally, but it evens it out like CRAZY.
So?? How does that compare to your routine? Got some miracle products to share?
*technical term. totally.
** laziness embodied.
I use the Almay too. My absolute favourite!